What is Subrogation and How Does it Affect My Tennessee Personal Injury Case?
Many people who come to our law firm have questions about the legal concept known as subrogation. Subrogation is a difficult concept to understand but let me see if I can explain it to you.
Subrogation is the right of one person to get repaid monies that they have advanced to another person.
In the personal injury context we are usually talking about medical expenses. A person who gets hurt in an automobile accident or a trucking accident or any sort of other accident, usually has their medical bills paid by either a private insurance company, a governmental entity like TennCare or Medicare or maybe even their own automobile insurance policy under what is called med pay provision.
Each of those private companies and each of those governmental agencies have a right to get repaid out of any money that you get in a personal injury settlement.
Now the process can be complicated. And in fact there is particular difficult and complicated laws concerning health insurance plans sponsored by employers.
But it is very important that you respect these subrogation rights and deal with them appropriately because if you don't you could actually lose your TennCare benefits, you could lose your Medicare benefits and you can forfeit your rights under your health insurance policy.
So what we do at our law firm is help our clients first understand their legal obligations and then number two, navigate that process with them to help make sure that they fulfill their contractual obligations to their health insurance company or the government.
We've been performing this service for over 32 years. We would welcome the opportunity to serve you. Please give us a call if we can answer any questions about subrogation or your personal injury case.