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Personal Injury Case Results

Listed below are a few examples of cases in which The Law Offices of John Day's clients received positive results. If you would like further information about the subject matter of any of these cases, please feel free to contact us. In many cases in which a settlement is reached, the plaintiffs and the defendants agree to keep the terms of the settlement confidential. The Law Offices of John Day, P.C. honors these agreements on behalf of its clients and itself, and so the amounts of these confidential settlements will not be disclosed.

$18,000,000 judgment for pedestrian. A driver swerved off the road and hit a jogger, causing brutal injuries to her. The driver tested positive for two different prescription drugs and was charged criminally. We learned that the 30+ year old driver had a lengthy history of drug and driving offenses. We successfully sued both the driver and the parent who had been paying for gas and car payments to let him keep driving despite his dangerous history. (Appeal pending)

$1,400,000 settlement in product defect case. A young woman was working in a bakery monitoring the product on the line. One machine on the line was a conveyor and sorting system with a large opening on the side of the machine. Inside the machine's opening was a large sprocket and chain used to drive the machine. Some of the raw baking product fell inside the machine and the young woman reached through the opening to retrieve it. Her wrist was caught by the chain, she suffered severe traumatic injuries to her hand and ultimately required amputation of her right hand. The Law Offices of John Day, P.C. represented the young woman in a suit against the manufacturers of the machine. The case was mediated and settled for one million and four hundred thousand dollars ($1,400,000.00).

$1,100,000 settlement for family of truck driver. A tractor-trailer driver crossed the center line on a highway, colliding head-on with several other vehicles. Another truck driver was killed in the collision. We helped recover all insurance available for the truck driver's family.

$1,000,000 for a freeway accident. Our client was driving on Interstate 40 when it began raining hard. A driver coming from the opposite direction on the interstate lost control of his car, crossed the median, and hit our client head-on. She suffered a number of fractures and required several surgeries and months of treatment. She contacted three law firms, who each recommended she take the $100,000 offered by the other driver’s car insurance. Finally, she contacted The Law Offices of John Day, P.C. who earned her $1,000,000 in the case in less than a year.

$1,002,500 settlement in head-on car wreck case. A distracted teenage driver crossed the centerline and crashed nearly head-on into our clients’ vehicle injuring the driver and her two elderly family members who were passengers in the vehicle. One of our clients sustained serious injuries including a crush injury to her eye socket, other facial fractures and lacerations and a broken right ankle. Our other client also sustained facial trauma and leg, hip, and pelvic fractures. Both underwent surgeries for their injuries. Our third client in the car had minor muscular injuries. The Law Offices of John Day, P.C. represented all three women and obtained a settlement of $1,002,500.

$600,000 settlement for lower back injury. Our client was riding as passenger in a truck at work. His coworker stopped at an intersection. Another driver tried to pass the truck on the left, but sideswiped it as she passed. Our client suffered a lower back injury in the same area as two prior surgeries.

$593,981.75 judgment in slip and fall. A woman was walking through the mall at closing time, heading to her car. She slipped on some residue from the mall's floor cleaner. She suffered a meniscus tear in her knee requiring surgery. We successfully sued the mall property management company for her injuries.

$400,000 settlement for interstate collision. Our client was driving on the interstate when another vehicle lost control and struck him. The young man we represented suffered fractures and internal bleeding that fortunately healed well, and he was able to make a full recovery.

$400,000 settlement with trucking company. Our client was driving on the highway in dense fog. A truck driver tried to turn in front of her at an intersection, but left his trailer blocking her lane. Her knee and hand were broken in the crash.

$301,000 settlement for dog bite. A child was visiting her extended family for a Thanksgiving dinner. While the child was in the kitchen, the family's dog lunged at and bit the child. The family denied the dog had shown any aggressive or biting behavior in the past. The child was left with scars on her face.

$225,000 settlement with medical transport company. A passenger in a medical transport van was thrown from her wheelchair when the driver stopped suddenly. The force threw her face first into the seat in front of her. Her forehead was cut open and her eye ruptured.

$200,000 settlement in slip and fall. Our client was walking to the bathroom in his own apartment. He did not know that some liquid (which was probably water) had seeped out of the utility closet onto the floor. The liquid caused our client to slip and fall in his apartment, suffering a broken shoulder. We recovered against the apartment management company.

$198,579 judgment in fall injury trial. The Tennessee Department of Corrections asked a contractor to give an estimate on repairs to a prison. While the contractor was looking at the site, a floor tile fell out from under him, dropping him a foot or more. The contractor suffered a torn rotator cuff in his shoulder and a lower back injury.

Confidential settlement in gas explosion case. The family of a deceased plant worker sued plant’s gas supplier for negligently piping highly explosive gas to the plant leading to a major gas fire and explosion. The deceased plant worker suffered catastrophic inhalation injuries and burns covering more than 75% of his body as a result of the explosion and died several weeks later. The case was settled for a confidential amount to the satisfaction of the deceased worker’s surviving spouse and children.

Negligent cargo loading. A manufacturer's shipping department loaded cargo into an empty trailer for later pick-up and delivery by a trucking company. The truck driver arrived on a Sunday evening, hooked up the pre-loaded trailer and drove to his first stop. When the truck driver arrived and opened the rear doors on the trailer to unload it, 700 pounds fell on to the back of his head and knocked his face into the trailer's rear bumper. The driver suffered brain damage, his right optic nerve was avulsed, and he sustained significant facial fractures. The Law Offices of John Day, P.C. helped the driver in his lawsuit against the manufacturing company who loaded the trailer. The case was settled for a confidential amount.

Negligent police pursuit. Police officers engaged in a high-speed pursuit of a woman who was threatening suicide. The police violated their own procedures by chasing the woman through a high traffic area when she had not threatened anyone other than herself. Ultimately, one of the officers rammed the suicidal woman's vehicle. The vehicle crashed into an innocent bystander's car, killing the driver. The Law Offices of John Day, P.C. filed suit for the innocent bystander's wrongful death on behalf of his widow and children. The case against the police department who struck the woman was settled for the maximum amount allowed by law.

Tractor-trailer collision. A commercial vehicle driver rear-ended an SUV that was stopped in traffic on the Interstate. Inside the Jeep were four- and six-year-old girls and their grandmother. The grandmother was killed in the wreck, while the children suffered brain damage and orthopedic injuries. The case was settled for an undisclosed amount to the satisfaction of our clients.

Unsafe roadway. The driver of a passenger car lost control in rainy weather on the Interstate. The car traveled through the median before stalling in the path of traffic headed in the opposite direction. The driver and his passenger exited the vehicle and ran back to the median for safety. Unfortunately, a truck driver failed to see the stalled vehicle when it came into view requiring him to swerve into the median at the last second. The car's passenger was standing in the median, and the truck ran over and killed him. The Law Offices of John Day, P.C. later discovered that the Department of Transportation had received several unacceptable results in wet weather testing on the roadway. The victim's wife and two school-aged children filed a wrongful death suit against the driver of the truck, the paver of the roadway for its hazardous condition, and the Department of Transportation for failing to fix or warn of the roadway's condition. The case was settled with all defendants to the satisfaction of our clients.

Tractor-trailer collision. A commercial vehicle driver collided with a compact passenger car on the Interstate forcing the small car off the road. Two of the three people on board the car were ejected. All three of the car's occupants were injured, with one person permanently losing his senses of smell and taste, and another person tearing three ligaments in his right knee. The three injured persons filed suit against the tractor-trailer driver and his employer. All three of their cases were settled for undisclosed amounts.

Motorcycle collision. Two people were riding on a motorcycle following behind a garbage truck. The motorcycle driver attempted to pass the slow-moving garbage truck on a two-lane rural highway when the passing lane was clear of oncoming traffic. While the motorcycle was passing, the garbage truck began a left turn onto a side street. The motorcycle - and its driver and passenger - struck the side of the garbage truck. Both the motorcycle driver and passenger survived, but required substantial orthopedic treatments. The case was settled to the satisfaction of our clients.

Inadequate traffic control in construction zone. The plaintiff was attempting to turn left from a highway onto an Interstate entrance ramp. The plaintiff was somewhat familiar with the intersection, but a contractor had recently changed the intersection due to an ongoing construction project. The contractor did not however, add any new pavement markings or signs to delineate the correct path through the temporary construction zone. The plaintiff, confused by the changed intersection, accidentally drove into the Interstate exit ramp instead of the entrance ramp. Another vehicle collided head-on with the plaintiff. Through an amputation and months of hospitalizations, the plaintiff incurred hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical expenses. The Law Offices of John Day, P.C. settled the plaintiff's case against the contractor for failing to properly mark the intersection.

The factual and legal circumstances of each client's case will affect the results obtained.

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