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Resources for Tort Attorneys

Over the course of his career, John Day has often been asked why he dedicates so much of his time writing about the law and educating both young and experienced lawyers on new developments in tort and trial law. John's response: a rising tide lifts all boats. John is committed to advancing not only the state of the law but also the legal profession itself by helping lawyers keep current on new cases, legal trends and their application to the daily practice of law.

Lex Lata Publishing, the publisher of three of John's four books, has announced that it will no longer be offering Day on Torts, Tennessee Law of Civil Trial, or Compendium on Tennessee Reform Statutes or Related Case Law for sale in print form.

The good news is the information contained in each of these books, plus so much more, is now available electronically on BirdDog Law.   BirdDog Law is in an easy-to-read electronic format readily available to your desktop or notebook computer or your smartphone 24/7.

In addition to the same useful information you are accustomed to finding in John's books, BirdDog Law also includes the following free resources:

Cases Pending Before the Tennessee Supreme Court

Appellate Standards of Review for Trial Lawyers (two books, one for civil cases and one for criminal cases)

Day on Torts blog

Practical Procedure and Evidence blog

Tennessee Acts and Resolutions

Tennessee Court of Appeals Internal Operating Rules

Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure

Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure - Claims Commission Edition

Tennessee Rules of Evidence

Tennessee Rules of Juvenile Procedure

Rules of the Tennessee Appellate Court of Appeals

Ordinances of Tennessee cities and counties 

Court-related information for every Tennessee county 

And much more.

"Letting go of traditional, printed books was difficult," said John.. "But new technology makes it possible to meet the actual needs of the lawyers who need ready access to information. The demands of law practice today puts a premium on 24/7 access to reliable information that can be efficiently accessed."

The new delivery system not only makes it easy for readers to stay current on tort law and the law of trial but also makes allows the author to update the books with new case law and statutes. The digital editions of the books will be living documents, frequently updated to help you serve your clients."Current digital publications of court rules are largely unworkable for working lawyers," said Day. "The new website is designed by a lawyer who understands how lawyers, who need to use the rules, actually approach the task."

All you have to do to have access to all this information and more is to go to BirdDog Law and find access to both the free products and subscription options.  The subscription products are available on a monthy or annual basis.

John's fourth book, which he co-authored with Donald Capparella and John Wood, remains available for purchase on this site.

Client Reviews
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