What Do You Charge For Your Services?
I've been representing victims of personal injuries for over 30 years. And the first time I met many of those people over the years, they were very concerned about what they would have to pay for legal services.
Let me explain how our firm works. At The Law Offices of John Day, P.C. we charge what is known as a contingent fee. That means that we only charge you if we are able to make a financial recovery for you. And under those circumstances we charge you a percentage of whatever we are able to get for you.
If we aren't able to win your case, we charge you absolutely nothing.
In addition to the percentage fee that we charge, we also ask you to reimburse us for our expenses. For instance sometimes we have to order medical records or hire medical experts or hire court reporters in your case. It all depends on the type of case.
We pay all of those expenses in advance but at the end of the case, if the case is successful, we ask you to reimburse us for those expenses in addition to the fee.
What you need to know is this -- if you hire us there will be absolutely no charge, not for fees or expenses unless we are able to successfully bring your case.
If you have any questions about your case, give us a call.