Wheel Off Truck Accident

Depending upon the size of the truck, a single wheel can easily weigh approximately 50 to 100 lbs. So when one of these heavy wheels comes off while the truck is in transit, tragedy can ensue. A wheel that has come off can crash through a windshield seriously injuring or killing occupants. Or, a driver who is trying to avoid the road hazard can swerve and become involved in a crash.
It goes without saying that wheels should not come off while a tractor-trailer or other vehicle is going down the road. But, in a lawsuit, the victim must show why the wheel came off and who is to blame. There can be multiple causes for a wheel coming off including:
- Poor maintenance to replace aged or damaged parts
- Defective parts
- Incorrect parts
- Improper torque on studs or bolts
The cause of the broken wheel will control what type of lawsuit should be filed. For instance, if the wheel came off because of a defective part, then a product liability lawsuit should be filed. If the broken wheel was the result of a poor maintenance, then a negligence lawsuit should be filed on your behalf against either the owner of the truck or the maintenance company. At the Law Offices of John Day, our experienced team of truck lawyers will thoroughly investigate your case and ensure that all viable claims are pursued on your behalf.
If you or a loved one has been injured by a wheel coming off a truck, bus, trailer or other vehicle, one of our award-winning attorneys can help you and your family receive the compensatory damages and, if appropriate, punitive damages you deserve. We only get paid if we win. And unlike some lawyers, we advance all case expenses and never charge you interest for doing so.
Following a serious accident, it is critical that you hire the right lawyer, which is why we have written Legal Guides to help injury victims better understand the entire process. We encourage you to read some of our Legal Guides on some key topic like How to Select an Injury Lawyer, The Deadlines for Filing an Injury Claim, How Are Settlements Calculated. We also encourage you to read our Client Testimonials. We have recovered millions and millions of dollars for our satisfied clients. Finally, do some research. Read online reviews, ask friends or family members who are involved in the legal field. Then, give us a call. Let us interview for the job of being your injury lawyer.
When you call, we will discuss the facts of your case with you and help you understand your legal rights and the next steps you should take. This consultation is completely free and without any obligation. If we think we can help and you decide to hire us, we handle all accident cases on a contingency basis, so we only get paid if we recover money for you. We handle accident cases across the State of Tennessee and, if you are unable to come to our office for any reason, we will gladly come to you.
Our goal is to get you the maximum compensation reasonably possible in the shortest time frame reasonably possible so that you can focus on your physical, emotional and financial well-being. Getting started is simple. Either contact us online or call us at:
Nashville: 615-669-3993
Murfreesboro: 615-867-9900
Brentwood: 615-742-4880
Toll-Free: 866-812-8787
Other Truck Accident Information:
- Causes of Tractor Trailer Accidents
- Cement Mixer Truck Accidents - Concrete Truck Accidents
- Damages Recoverable from a Truck Accident
- Delivery Truck Accidents
- Garbage Truck Accidents
- Investigation of Truck Accidents
- Load Shift Accidents
- Spoliation of Evidence in Truck Cases
- Truck Accident Lawsuits -- Who Is To Blame?
- Truck Crash Statistics
- Trucking Insurance Requirements
- Trucking Regulations