Sexual Abuse

According to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, every two and one-half minutes, someone is sexually assaulted somewhere in the United States. The Darkness to Light Foundation reports that one in 4 girls and one in 6 boys will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday.
The psychological trauma, emotional distress and physical injuries caused by sexual molestation or rape can be permanent. If you or someone you love has been a victim of sexual abuse, it is important to get help from appropriate health care professionals. Support groups are also available to lend support to families in crisis.
In Tennessee, it is possible to make a claim for compensation against the person who perpetrated the sexual abuse for the damages caused and for future therapy and medical treatment. In addition to the person who actually perpetrated the crime of sexual abuse, employers and others who ignore or overlook warnings and place offenders in positions of trust to their victims can also be held responsible for their negligence or even recklessness in doing so. For example, if a day care failed to do an appropriate background check of an employee who had a prior history of sexual abuse or ignored repeated complaints or warning signs then the day care could potentially also be held liable for the sexual abuse perpetrated by their employee.
At the Law Offices of John Day, P.C. our award-winning lawyers have significant experience representing victims of sexual abuse against individual offenders as well as persons responsible for placing offenders in positions of trust. We have successfully handled cases against individuals, companies and churches. In fact, John Day successfully took a sexual abuse case against the Catholic church to the Tennessee Supreme Court.
Victims and their families often find it difficult to discuss these types of cases as they often feel shame and other emotions that make it difficult to come forward. We understand. We offer a completely confidential consultation, which is also free, so that you can privately discuss your legal rights and options. We work tirelessly to resolve these types of cases efficiently so that the victim does not feel re-victimized by the legal system.
If you would like to speak to us about about a potential sexual abuse claim, please contact us online or call us anytime at one of our three convenient office locations. If you would prefer for us to come to the location of your choice, we are always happy to do so. We handle all sexual abuse cases on a contingency basis so we only get paid if we recover money for you. And while our offices are centrally located in Middle Tennessee, we represent clients across the State.
Nashville: 615-669-3993
Murfreesboro: 615-867-9900
Brentwood: 615-742-4880
Toll-Free: 866-812-8787