How Long Does it Take to Resolve a Personal Injury Case?
The answer to the question of how long it takes to resolve a personal injury lawsuit is always 'it depends.' Now that sounds like a lawyer answer. But really it is not.
The first thing that determines when a personal injury case is resolved is how quickly you are able to recover from your injuries. In almost every circumstance, we are not willing to settle a case for a client unless they have reached maximum medical recovery.
Number two, the time it takes to resolve a personal injury case depends on how complicated the case is. If the case involves only two parties, the person bringing the lawsuit and the person sued, that type of case can be resolved much quicker than a case where there are 4, 5, 6 or even 7 people that have to be sued.
Third, the answer to the question of how long it takes to resolve a personal injury lawsuit is dependent on the court. Some courts move faster than others. We are very fortunate that in Nashville we can usually get a case to trial within one year from the date that we actually file the lawsuit. That time may be extended if there are multiple parties involved.
But in the simple automobile case or trucking accident case where there is only person who has been injured and one what we call defendant -- the negligent driver -- that case can usually be resolved within one year.
We can give you a much better idea of how long it will take to resolve your case if we sit down and talk to you about it.
Feel free to give us a call. You aren't charged for a consultation. And we will be happy to meet with you at a date, time and place that is convenient for you.