Do I Have to Give a Statement to the Insurance Adjuster?
If you've been in a motor vehicle accident you are going to get a call from the at fault driver's insurance company. And that insurance adjuster is going to want you to give them a recorded statement about the wreck and about your injuries.
At The Law Offices of John Day, P.C. we recommend that you not give such a statement.
Why is that? Well many of them are still upset from the injuries that they had. Or many of them are taking medication that can affect their ability to give a complete and truthful statement.
We find it is much much better to put off the decision to give any sort of statement whatsoever until after you've had the opportunity to talk with a lawyer.
Now your own insurance company may have a contractual right to take your statement. But there is nothing in the law that prohibits you from consulting with a lawyer before you give a statement to your own insurance company. And in fact that is what we recommend.
Once again, the goal is for you to give a truthful, complete and accurate statement. And we believe the only way you can do that is if you take a little time after the wreck and get prepared by an experienced professional.
At The Law Offices of John Day, P.C. that's exactly the way that we help clients.
If you have any questions about this, please give us a call.