
Martha O'Bryan Center

The Law Offices of John Day, P.C. is proud to partner with the Martha O’Bryan Center. Martha O’Byran Center’s mission is simple: it seeks to ameliorate poverty by helping Nashville children and adults with educational, social and familial needs.

Who Was Martha O’Bryan?

In 1894, Miss Martha O’Bryan Center organized First Presbyterian Church’s Gleaners Society. Her goal was to help impoverished Nashville residents. Since then, the Martha O’Bryan Center has been helping Nashville families in need for nearly 125 years. While the Center targets the nearly 2,000 residents in James A Cayce Homes, Nashville’s largest and oldest public housing, it also helps residents in the surrounding North Nashville area. In 2015, Martha O’Bryan Center opened a southside location to assist residents of Sudekum Apartments/Napier Place. The Martha O’Bryan Center is faith-based and seeks to help impoverished Nashville residents improve their lives through education, work and fellowship.

Martha O’Bryan Center Programs

Martha O’Bryan Center offers a wide array of programs to help all members of the family. Below are some of the programs offered:

K-8 Youth Development – This program helps elementary and middle school students at McGavock, Stratford and Maplewood cluster schools. Martha O’Bryan Center helps vulnerable children by offering one hour of focused reading and math skills per day. Of course, in order to focus on reading and math, children need access to healthy food, reliable transportation and other social and emotional help, and so Martha O’Bryan Center helps in these areas too. In addition, for 45 minutes each day, children are also offered voice and choice curriculum where they get to explore other areas of learning in hopes of them finding their passion and gifts.

East End Preparatory School – East End Prep is a tuition-free, charter school serving East Nashville. Following the release of the 2017 TN Ready results, East End Prep was recognized as a double Reward School in growth and achievement.

High School Student Education and Academic Student Unions – Martha O’Bryan Center helps students in this age group with tutoring, homework help, college admission testing preparation, counseling, work readiness, enrichment and financial aid for college.

Community Engagement – Martha O’Bryan Center helps Nashville residents with food banks, nutrition services, fitness classes, self-defense classes, teen leadership programs and fun, recreational programs for Nashville youth.

Family Engagement – This Martha O’Bryan Center program helps parents with the hard work of parenting via a 10 session program where parents receive education in health issues, controlling stress and anger, alternative forms of discipline, etc.

Counseling and Pastoral Care – This Martha O’Bryan Center program helps families facing any number of issues from domestic violence to eviction to legal issues.

In short, Martha O’Bryan Center provides a variety of programs designed to give Nashville residents the education, support and care they need to thrive in our great city, and The Law Offices of John Day, P.C. is thrilled to help with this mission. We encourage you to read more about this incredible non-profit and to donate to help support their mission if you are able.

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