Coffee County, Tennessee

Coffee County, Manchester, TN Injury Attorneys

Our nationally-recognized lawyers have over 100 years of combined experience representing injured people in Manchester, Tullahoma, Noah, Hillsboro and the rest of Coffee Coffee. Because of our vast experience, we understand the problems facing our clients. Your hurt and you have medical bills piling up. You injuries have prevented you from returning to work and you do not know when, if ever, you will be able to go back to your job. You are worried about your health and the future. We can help.

We have recovered millions of dollars for our satisfied clients and we have handled all types of injury cases including medical malpractice cases, boating accidents, jet ski accidents, slip and fall accidents, construction accidents, farm equipment accidents, pedestrian accidents, eye injury cases, golf cart accidents, carbon monoxide poisoning accidents, drowning accidents, brain injury cases, eye injury cases, liquor liability claims, bicycle accidents, sexual abuse cases, injuries caused by defective products, dog bite cases, etc. And, of course, we handle a tremendous number of car wrecks, tractor-trailer crashes and motorcycle accidents.

For more detailed information on the most common types of accident cases, visit our Services page. For answers to frequently asked questions, visit our FAQ page.

Car Accident Cases in Coffee County

Motor vehicle accident cases are a large part of our work. Tennessee has approximately 4.5 million licensed drivers. Second, the State has over a thousand miles of interstate as Interstates 65, 40, 24, 75, 81, 55 and 26 all run through our State. These interstates bring a lot of out-of-state travelers and truckers into the State. But most importantly, too many drivers engage in dangerous behavior.

Some truckers continue driving despite being over the permitted service hours. Other drivers fail to keep their vehicles in good repair and operate their vehicles with faulty brakes, broken headlights, etc. And yet other drivers choose to speed, drive while intoxicated, text and drive, drive while fatigued, etc. Unfortunately, this type of conduct can lead to serious accidents and, of course, Coffee County is not immune from motor vehicle accidents. From 2015 to 2019, Coffee County had the following rankings in crash statistics:

  • Overall Crash Rate: 19th
  • Fatal Crash Rate: 29th
  • Injury Crash Rate: 18th
  • Speeding Crash Rate: 43rd
  • Alcohol-Impaired Fatality Crash Rate: 38th
  • Alcohol-Impaired Crash Rate: 52nd
  • Young Drivers (Ages 15-24) Crash Rate: 16th
  • Senior Drivers (Ages 65+) Crash Rate: 13th

Our Award-Winning Attorneys Can Help You.

If someone's carelessness has caused a car wreck or some other form of accident, you are entitled to be compensated for your losses related to the accident. Those losses can take many forms including medical bills, property damage, lost wages, permanent impairment, scarring, loss of earning capacity, loss of enjoyment of life, etc. But, in order to recover those damages, you have to make a claim against the at-fault party. And, in many instances, there is more than one at-fault party, and there can be multiple theories of recovery.

For instance, in a car accident, most people know they can recover from the other driver who was at fault. But, if the other driver does not have insurance or does not have enough insurance, did you know you may also be able to file a uninsured/underinsured motorist claim and recover benefits from your own insurance company depending upon the language of your policy? If the other driver did not own the vehicle he was driving, you might be able to make a claim against the owner of the vehicle for entrusting it to an unfit driver. If the other driver was on the job, a claim may be possible against his employer. If the other driver had been drinking before the accident, you may be able to make a claim against the bar or restaurant that served too much alcohol. If your vehicle failed to perform as designed in the crash, you may be able to sue the manufacturer of your vehicle for product liability. All of these potential claims may exist from a single car accident, and an experienced injury attorney can determine which claims have merit.

Will I Have To Go To Court?

Let's face it: no one really wants to go through the process of litigation, so we make every effort to settle your case without the necessity of filing suit. But sometimes, the at-fault party denies liability or contests the severity and extent of your injuries and losses. Under those circumstances, we will file suit to protect your rights and ensure you are fully compensated.

Coffee County Judges and Court Information

If a suit is necessary in Coffee County, it will be before one of the following individuals.

Coffee County has published Local Rules for its courts. These rules control the day to day operations of the court including the issuance of subpoenas, setting cases for trial, continuances of trials, etc. A copy of the Local Rules can be found here.

For the 2010- 2011 reporting period, 121 tort cases (claims for injury or death) were filed in Coffee County. Three cases went to trial during that period and all of the trials resulted in a verdict for the injured party. But, the total damages awarded in those 3 trials was $29,307 for an average award of $9,769.00. For the 2011-2012 reporting period, 126 tort cases were filed in Coffee County. During that same time frame, 7 cases went to trial with 4 resulting in verdicts for the injured party. The total damages awarded in those 4 cases was $151,866.00 for an average award of $37,967.00. For 2012-2013, there were 113 tort cases filed in Coffee County and 3 of those cases went to trial. The average award for those three trials was $17,804.00. For 2013-2014, not a single tort case went to trial. In 2014-2015, 93 tort cases were filed. Only one went to trial, and it was before the judge instead of a jury. The injured party lost that trial. In 2015-2016 106 tort cases were filed, 5 were tried and one injured party was awarded $2,500. In 2017-2018, 103 tort cases were filed, 2 were tried and the injured party lost both cases. In 2018-2019, case filings were down to 92. Again, two cases were tried (1 jury and 1 non-jury). Those trials were losses for the injured party. The last year referenced for this data is the 2018-2019 reporting period.

These statistics for almost the last decade illustrate the need for an aggressive lawyer who will not only get your case to trial but get you the compensatory damages and, if appropriate, the punitive damages you deserve.

John Day has created a new website (BirdDog Law) to give citizens, judges, and lawyers important information about the court system of every county in Tennessee, including updated trial statistics in each of the 95 counties. For more recent information and an understanding of the trends in jury and nonjury personal injury and wrongful death cases in Coffee County, please click on the link.

Do Not Delay; Contact Us Today

If you have been injured in Manchester, Tullahoma, Noah, Hillsboro or anywhere else in Coffee County or you a Coffee County resident who has been injured elsewhere, you need an experienced team on your side so you can pursue all at-fault parties and obtain the maximum compensation possible. The law only allows a limited time to seek compensation for your injuries, so if you or someone you loved has been injured by the carelessness of another person, contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation in which we answer your questions and advise you of your rights. For more information about our fees and costs, click here.

Contact us by calling any of our three convenient office locations:

Murfreesboro: 615-867-9900

Nashville: 615-669-3993

Brentwood: 615-742-4880

Toll-Free: 866-812-8787

Or, if you prefer, you can contact us online and we will call you. As always, if you are unable to come to us, we will gladly come to you.

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